Does it make you look taller? Episode 1: Getting a haircut

Does it make you look taller? Episode 1: Getting a haircut

Hey guys - what’s going on. Today I want to share an idea I had for a series of experiments looking at what, if anything, actually helps to make you look taller or just feel taller in some way. 

I’ve shared some tips with you guys before that may help you look/feel taller, but this time I actually want to share my before and after pics and thoughts. Whether it "works" or not, it doesn’t really matter, this is meant to be fun, and hopefully we can all learn something. 

Real quick, a little bit about me. I’m not a tall person. In fact most people would call me a short guy as I’m 5’6” on a good day. I jokingly told my wife when we first started dating, “If you're looking for someone that can reach the top shelf without a stool, I might not be the right guy for you.” Luckily she was cool with it.

So where to start? How about hair. Does getting a haircut make you look or feel taller? To let the fluffy hair be or not to be. Pretty sure someone famous once said that. 

Let’s take a look at some before pics. It had been about 2 months since my last haircut here. 

short guy asks - does a haircut make you look taller?

I do think you can add height to your overall appearance by picking a hairstyle that allows you to max out the volume you can get out of your hair, but I notice for myself volume everywhere doesn’t work. The longer the sides get, the bigger my head looks, and I think the potential height gains are negated by the jumbo head syndrome from not taming down the sides.

For the new style, how do you pick what you want? Where do you even start?

This time I turned to Google and started searching “men’s short haircuts” and then clicked over to the image results. I looked for things I liked, taking screen shots along the way. I then eliminated all but the finalists and saved them to my phone.

pics I show the barber for the haircut I want 

From there, I showed the barber/hair stylist the pics. I find trying to explain using words and hand gestures is a real pain. Showing the pics and asking if they think this or that will work, and getting their input along the way is very helpful. 

And this is what I ended up with.

Short guy wonders if his new haircut makes him look taller.

I think the jury is still out on whether or not I look taller. I measured, and the number is still the same - 66 inches. But I can say that I feel better, and I feel almost like I lost a bit of weight and feel more confident as well. For me, how I feel is more important than any actual height gains. And it seems like the dog approves too.  

The dog likes the new haircut, so I would call it a winner.

To boil it down, the takeaway for me is that I like feeling good about how I look. The feeling of being satisfied about oneself seems to carry over into how I show up to the things. It gives me the confidence and desire to engage and participate in life, instead of just sitting on the side lines. 

What do you think? Have you had a similar experience? Am I high in the night off hair spray?? Maybe, just maybe… 

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